Mutual Fund Investment Vs Exchange Traded Fund
Article Content Introduction What is an Exchange Traded Fund ETF? What is a mutual fund? Exchange Traded Funds ETFs vs Mutual Funds ETF or Mutual Fund- Which one to choose? Conclusion Introduction Whenever investors are looking to invest their money, a financial advisor will likely recommend several investment options that include ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) and mutual funds. ETFs and mutual funds have certain similarities among them. However, some key differences between ETFs and mutual funds set them apart. Both of them have a variety of different assets. Also, they represent a common avenue for investors to diversify their portfolio. Here, in this article, we will explain exchange traded funds ETFs vs mutual funds in detail. I have been investing regularly to create wealth and would encourage you to do the same. My personal experience with Kotak Securities has been great owing to quality research & unique products. To open a FREE demat a/c , click h...